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The MOC Mastermind

(Mascs Of Color)

The Full Story

The MOC Mastermind is a peer-to-peer business mentoring group used to help Mascs of color to problem solve with input and advice from other MOC's who can fully understand the unique position of navigating the world in the skin we're in.

MOC AKA Mascs Of Color is a play on the acronyms MOC (Masculine Of Center) and POC (Person Of Color).

Masculine of center (MoC); "is a term coined by B. Cole of the brown boi project that recognizes the breadth and depth of identity for lesbian/queer women who tilt toward the masculine side of the gender scale. It includes a wide range of identities such as butch, stud, trans, aggressive/AG, dom, etc."

Napoleon Hill describes the mastermind group principle as:
“The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

We'll be hosting virtual and in-person masterminds, centered around a variety of business categories, with the common thread being can fully understand the unique position of navigating the world in the skin we're in!

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